Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bremner Baby on Board 21 weeks

I am tired, too tired to sit here and write, but also aware it's a now or never kind of thing. My body is sore this pregnancy, I don't remember feeling round ligament pain with Hank, at least not like this, and I feel like I am contracting at the end of my shifts, though, when I check usually I just need to sit down and have some water. I am amazed at how quickly this pregnancy is flying by! I keep waiting for it to start dragging, but really it is dragging me forward faster than I can keep up. I was given a lovely set of swaddling blankets for the new baby, so i keep looking at them and feeling that desire to see this baby and wrap it up snug and tight! I especially can't wait to find out what we are having!
Now that I have rambled or complained through this entry, I think I will head to bed! More soon enough I am sure!
Here are the promised ultrasound photos! baby had it's arms up a lot and is securely head first in my pelvis!

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