Saturday, December 18, 2010

18 and some change

headed towards nineteen weeks, i have been feeling the baby move off and on which is really starting to make this pregnancy more real to me. i'm also starting to feel my limitations at work and at home. bending, pushing, pulling, moving in general, and espcially staying awake are all becoming more difficult! I am trying much harder to realize where i need to scale back or just give up things that are too much for me, but i have always been the kind of person that knows no limitations and thinks i can do anything. I keep either hurting myself or feeling rather frustrated about this.
Hank has finally learned to go to bed on his own at night. it really is a dream, he has been heading to his room himself around 7, letting us read him one story, and falling asleep in his bed. now if we can just figure out how to keep him asleep all night, the idea of a newborn wont feel as daunting maybe. For some reason Hank still seems to get up at 1 or 4 am very upset, and needing a lot of consoling to get back to sleep.
we are so excited for Christmas. I am looking forward to a nice quiet morning at home with my guys. I should get home from work just in time to see Hank open gifts and to have some breakfast before going to sleep. Here's hoping everyone has a blissful family holiday!
ps we have our ultrasound on wednesday, so maybe a good new baby photo will be up soon!

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