Friday, October 10, 2008

The baby tends to wake up with me in the morning, no matter what the time. Or, possibly, the baby wakes me up but I don't realize that is why I am awake. Still I think it is my favorite part of the morning, laying there and feeling this little one kick around and do any number of things that cause sensations across my belly. I wonder what positions the little one is taking in there to cause such a raucous. It reminds me to pray each morning for the things I worry about, I pray we will be good parents, that we will know how to raise a baby as things come along, and that God will surround us with people that we can be close to and that will love our baby like a family. There is an odd sort of loss having a baby so far away from our families. It is harder to come to grips with than I thought it would be, but I am grateful for our little family that we have grown over the last couple of years, I look forward to adding on to it, and I am grateful for my brother and the ones who are near. The rest, well maybe we will be nearer soon!


G&G said...

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, Daddy Sean's Birthday and Mummy and Daddy's Anniversary. Next year this little person will be probably crawling (walking) and you'll be remembering the kicks you get now. Love G & G

Arlene said...

Living a long distance from famly is difficult when raising kids. They miss out on a lot and really only get to know family from stories that you tell and visits. The up-side is that you'll find people in your community who will become like extended family to them. Best wishes to the 3 of you!