Wife to 1, mom of 4, clean face, clean space advocate, looker for a simpler life somewhere slower.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
35 Weeks and Counting
We just got home from the most relaxing weekend I think I have ever had! We took a short weekend trip to Princeton, NJ just to get away and spend time together before baby mania begins. It was a nice post Christmas hiatus. Only 5 more weeks to go, unless little one comes early. I am happy to be home tonight and waiting! Now that the holidays have passed, I feel like we can actually get things together and get ready.
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thank goodness I come from a family of photographers! While we were down south for Thanksgiving my sister was able to do a quick session of pregnancy photos with me. Suffice it to say, she works wonders with a camera because I hardly felt pretty being very swollen and tired from traveling.
My suspicions about the size of this little one were entirely true, as last week my Doctor confirmed the baby feels quite big and we should be preparing ourselves for the possibility of an early arrival! I am still waiting for Christmas to be over, then we will get it together and get ready for this little one to come!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Books, baby clothes, and the need to buy diapers
yesterday the floor guy at work said, "man I give you two more weeks before that baby come!" Now, I feel that highly unlikely, and I am starting to feel like I will probably just keep being pregnant forever, well past Feb. 2nd. There is still something perfect and sweet about being pregnant and feeling the baby move in the morning when I am getting up, or kicking around while we eat dinner. I still try to remind myself not to get too tired of being pregnant because this state in life only happens so many times, and only lasts so long before it is over and done with. That being said, it is fairly normal that women go into labor around 35, 36, and 38 weeks, and it has dawned on me that we have yet to buy diapers! I feel that we have enough little shirts and things to get us by for the immediate bringing home of baby, but the need for huggies is sort of obvious. I keep thinking that I will do it all after Christmas, the shopping for mundane kind of essentials like that, so it would behoove this child to stay put until after the holidays, or face a life of bare bottomness. Either way, I feel the count is on! only 7 or so more weeks to go!
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Call it nesting, I suppose that is what this is. I get extreme satisfaction out of washing and folding baby things. Thanks to my mom and dad, we have all the little onesies and socks necessary to get us started as well as some blankets and sleepers. Thanks to the bremner clan we have an awesome crib and bedding for little one to sleep in. They are all washed, folded, and have no place to go. I can't figure out where we will put them away. I am sure I will think of something. So we now have one little outfit for a boy and one for a girl to take the baby home in. I am so excited to see what the baby is and what he or she will look like! It is hard to believe that some little human will fit into clothes that small! And that we will take said little person home with us to care for!
Friday, November 14, 2008

well this month has been the first that i have really started feeling my limitations. not just things like tired or not feeling well, but actual physical limits such as the inability to bend over and tie my shoes, or the effort it takes to turn over, stand up, get out of bed, or pick up the myriad of things i drop on the floor on a daily basis at home and at work! i am more grateful that Sean will ever know for his presence, his keeping up, and his doing all the things i cant or don't do before falling asleep on the couch. lord bless the man for always having to shut the medicine cabinet door!
her are a couple pictures, i got dressed up tonight for a friends birthday party, a failed attempt at best to make myself go out after work.
my hair is darker now to keep up with the rate it grows, i couldn't handle being blond with dark roots all the time!

Monday, November 10, 2008
28 weeks

So we are plugging along, months seem to be flying by! As I grow more uncomfortable, I am trying to remember to enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. I am majorly preoccupied with how crazy it is to see the baby flopping around in there! We keep meaning to take pictures, but it is rare that we remember to when I have made myself presentable! Edy's real fruit bars are the closest substitute to Ritas that I can find!
Monday, October 27, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008
I personally feel that I have the best looking pregnant husband out there! Here is just a small taste of what I like to call, casual pregnant Sean!
We completed our birthing class, lots of practice needed I think.
Also included is what we will call birthing ball Meg!
New belly pictures to come soon I am sure, it is hard to remember to take pictures these days. However, as the pregnancy seems to be flying by, I am feeling more and more that we need to make sure to sit back and enjoy it before it is over!
We completed our birthing class, lots of practice needed I think.
Also included is what we will call birthing ball Meg!
New belly pictures to come soon I am sure, it is hard to remember to take pictures these days. However, as the pregnancy seems to be flying by, I am feeling more and more that we need to make sure to sit back and enjoy it before it is over!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Today I have the need of a car, but I chose sleep over driving to K.O.P. Sleep felt so good! Lately I fall asleep all the time, so it is amazing that I still can sleep until 10am on my days off. Todays agenda includes, a little cleaning, a lot of studying, some finishing of a research paper, the making of dinner for my husband who was been doing way too much around here these days, and childbirth class in the PM. Baby is already keeping us running, and it hasn't even arrived!
Me on a home day:

Sean hot on all days!
Me on a home day:

Sean hot on all days!

Friday, October 10, 2008
The baby tends to wake up with me in the morning, no matter what the time. Or, possibly, the baby wakes me up but I don't realize that is why I am awake. Still I think it is my favorite part of the morning, laying there and feeling this little one kick around and do any number of things that cause sensations across my belly. I wonder what positions the little one is taking in there to cause such a raucous. It reminds me to pray each morning for the things I worry about, I pray we will be good parents, that we will know how to raise a baby as things come along, and that God will surround us with people that we can be close to and that will love our baby like a family. There is an odd sort of loss having a baby so far away from our families. It is harder to come to grips with than I thought it would be, but I am grateful for our little family that we have grown over the last couple of years, I look forward to adding on to it, and I am grateful for my brother and the ones who are near. The rest, well maybe we will be nearer soon!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
At times there are few things as delicious as a peanut butter and banana sandwich and a glass of milk! well few things other than Edy's realy fruit lemonade and orange bars, spring rolls, and cheap mac n' cheese. The ol' belly button has popped a bit on the top crest, and the baby is moving around like nuts in there. It is a comforting and reassuring feeling to wake up to in the morning. Everyone seems to have an opinion as to what we are having, I think it bothers other people that we aren't finding out because the first thing I am usually asked is, "what are you having?" Then followed by a prediction. I guess there is a 50/50 chance, not much to lose at venturing a guess. People say it with such confidence as if they, and only they, really know what we are having. Me, I have no idea whatsoever, I can't wait to find out though!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
ten tiny toes, they are all there, amazing little tiny feet and amazing little punching hands in there!

The baby weighs about 1LB, and looks 22 weeks old. We were able to see its tiny little mouth swallowing. Sean makes fun of me because I kept saying wow, its so big. the legs looked so long! The baby just looked so much different than it did last time we saw it. Looking now it seems so much smaller. The picture isn't the best, but you can see its little button nose and open mouth. ETA for this little guy, sometime between Jan. 28th and Feb 2nd.

The baby weighs about 1LB, and looks 22 weeks old. We were able to see its tiny little mouth swallowing. Sean makes fun of me because I kept saying wow, its so big. the legs looked so long! The baby just looked so much different than it did last time we saw it. Looking now it seems so much smaller. The picture isn't the best, but you can see its little button nose and open mouth. ETA for this little guy, sometime between Jan. 28th and Feb 2nd.

Monday, September 22, 2008
Working 9-5! What a way to make a living!
More like working 7-7:30, as well as late nights for tours, and weekends is wearing me out. Maybe I was just too ambitious with our social calendar this week as well. Today was not enough rest to prep me to go back to work tomorrow. I think Sean is worn out too, I came home from classes to him sleeping on the couch, something he rarely does. On the belly button front, we are down to a thin line of demarcation my friends, only a minor indent on at the top.

I was not expecting my feet and ankles to swell so soon either, but after work they look like little puffy chubby baby feet or something. Additionally, I am having trouble adjusting to the fact that though I feel much like myself, I can no longer move like myself. So painfully noted as I jumped to grab a little girls balloon from the ceiling at the hospital the other day. As my O.B. laughed at me and said, "you may not hurt the baby, but you will definitely hurt yourself you know!"
I was not expecting my feet and ankles to swell so soon either, but after work they look like little puffy chubby baby feet or something. Additionally, I am having trouble adjusting to the fact that though I feel much like myself, I can no longer move like myself. So painfully noted as I jumped to grab a little girls balloon from the ceiling at the hospital the other day. As my O.B. laughed at me and said, "you may not hurt the baby, but you will definitely hurt yourself you know!"
Friday, September 12, 2008
36 hours of work in 3 days, not as easy as it used to be! My bellybutton is fast disappearing, Sean makes a little popping noise each time we look at it. What does one do without a bellybutton, it is one of those things in life we take for granted I suppose! Either that baby grew enormously or just changed position this week because all the sudden the little one is going nuts in there. It feels like little bounces or little flicks, the flicks are much harder when I bend over making it hard for me not to laugh when I am in a patients room. I wish we could connect something to our T.V. and watch the baby from the comfort of our own home whenever we want to. Then we could watch and see is that a hand or a foot I am feeling. What is the little guy doing in there to make such a stomachular comotion?!? These pictures make my belly look smaller than it feels, a good thing!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
And Now...
Week 18: First I looked kind of amorphic, thick around the middle, kind of chubby. Last week I bought my first maternity clothing, thank goodness for H&M, because most maternity wear reminds me of office or secretary wear, and I was struggling with not being able to dress like myself. To my shock and horror I got out of the shower on Saturday and realized my belly button, rather shallow to begin with, is merely weeks away from extinction! Picture to come soon I am sure!
The Day it All Began
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