Monday, April 25, 2011

Last Trio Easter

Next year I will do more! This year, I didn't realize Hank was old enough to enjoy Easter egg hunts, and probably would have like a basket. So next year we will do more, but this year we made it to Sunday service, and enjoyed a picnic in the park with our church afterward.
Hank, did get to hunt for eggs with his Sunday school class, and really enjoyed playing. He played so hard that he crashed and took a 2.5 hour nap when we got home. Sean and I are trying hard to enjoy our last couple weeks as a family of three and parents of only one child to focus on.
Thanks to Carina, last night we were able to go on a date to watch the playoff game (at a bar not live), and have dinner. It was really lovely being out alone for a couple hours. Gave us some time to regroup, discuss baby names, enjoy each others company... Very rare these days. I wish we were better at committing to date nights once a month.
Two more weeks to go before we add a new little one! Not knowing the gender is giving me the push I need to get through these last few weeks of work and pregnancy! I am so excited, it took some time to get here, but I really can't wait to meet this new little person who will no doubt radically change our family for the better!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

8 feet high and rising

i have that song stuck in my head, lets hope it's not a premonition. 17 more days to go, sometimes i wish i could take that last few weeks of pregnancy off work, and other times i am grateful that it makes the weeks pass quickly.
Hank woke up and started talking, a lot, last week. It is funny to hear the things he says and realize that is what we must sound like to him. So far I have heard him say, "so annoying," a few times, and he constantly makes a statement and follows it with yeah!?! such as, "mom, have a piece of candy, yeah?" I never realized that I often ask him a question and end it with yeah. like, "Hank, want to watch a movie, yeah?"
Walking through target this weekend, he asked if he could have everything, followed his request with yeah, and then looked up at me with those big charming blue eyes. Now I can see how kids get spoiled!
Ben Keeling did our lovely family photos, it is so sweet to me that we were able to get some taken of our family of three before we become a family of four!
Now, I am off to bed!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

the end, my friends....

Almost there, 22 more days to go. This pregnancy never lagged for even a minute. I feel like somewhere between September and now we hit a time warp and showed up in April trying to make ourselves feel ready for another baby.
I just looked back over my mixed up blog of Hank pregnancy, where I understood infinitely less about the risks and complications I was facing than I do now, oh to be so blissfully unaware of what is coming our way again. Maybe a little fear is what second babies are about. I feel a small (sometimes large) amount of guilt over my reluctance to give up my little family of three to become a family of four. I keep trying to savor my last weeks being just Hank's mom, and having only him to focus on. I also keep telling myself, surely this time will go much smoother, if for no other reason than we already have gone there and made it to here.
It is amazing to me all that our family has done in the last two years. When I was pregnant with Hank, we were newly weds, living in our little high rise studio apartment planning all sorts of things that did and didn't happen. I never thought at that time we would make such a leap and move three more times, once across country or at least northern hemisphere, change jobs, change schedules, change everything.
I think I am now rambling for no good reason because I should be in bed, or at least in the shower on my way to bed. Family photos to come soon I promise!